Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wordle: lakeith-shane-wordle

1. This would be a great idea to post rules of the classroom. If any rule would like to be stressed more than others, then that rule could added several times.

2. Students can do activities with Worlde; for example, I could ask the class to write down their favorite book, movie, food, game, song, etc. We can add all of the words to a class Worldle and see what favorite most students have in common.

3. It can be a behavior progression model. All students will have their names put into the Worldle 10 times each. if a student misbehaves, then that student will have one of his or her name taken off. It can be a weekly thing, and the student(s) with the biggest name is the most well-behaved student and possibly receive an award.

1 comment:

  1. I like your second idea....and they could also make individual wordles with things they like...they could make book covers or locker posters or even a big bulletin board. Without names, they could guess who created them!

    Good job. I recently read a blog post t( and it had lots of ideas for using word clouds (like Wordle):

    • overview or revision of a unit of work;
    • making predictions – use word clouds before students read or listen to a text and ask them to make predictions about the content of the text based on the word cloud;
    • text comparisons – create word clouds from several poems, short stories or articles and have students read the complete texts and match them to the word clouds.
    • create word clouds based on famous speeches and analyse the results by looking at the common words.
    • create a word cloud wall where students can brainstorm synonyms, antonyms or definitions for lists of vocabulary words.

    Here's even more ideas and a tutorial:

    And 50 more here!
